Thank you.

One hundred and forty people responded from all over Hancock County and beyond to our call to action in this campaign—all contributing to protect one of the last remaining large, undeveloped parcels within a mile to the coast. The next chapter of this land’s history will include regrowing big trees, ensuring valuable habitat for Maine’s wildlife, and creating new opportunities for non-mechanized outdoor recreation.

We want to offer our thanks to our partner, New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF), the organization that will manage the 3100 acres of land to the north of the Downeast Sunrise Trail with periodic timber harvests to their exemplary forestry standards. We also want to thank HC Haynes, the landowner that purchased all of this land from the estate of Dale Henderson. HC Haynes could have subdivided and developed this property. Instead, they opted to sell the land for conservation, ensuring permanent protection that will benefit all of us in Hancock and surrounding communities.

To those of you whose generous contributions allowed Frenchman Bay Conservancy to achieve this meaningful and exciting conservation goal, our sincerest thanks.

The Frenchman Bay Community Forest will be an open space for everyone, forever. Learn about what this project means for your community. 

Frenchman Bay Conservancy has an opportunity to protect 1400 acres and create the Frenchman Bay Community Forest in Hancock, Maine.

This important project will increase access to outdoor recreation and protect unique wildlife habitat in our community. The 1400-acre Frenchman Bay Community Forest will be accessible from the Downeast Sunrise Trail, minutes from downtown Ellsworth. We need your help to make it happen. 

The protection of this parcel is part of a larger 4500-acre conservation project; an additional 3100 acres of land abuts this parcel and is slated for conservation through New England Forestry Foundation as mitigation for the development of wind energy turbines.

Learn more about the New England Forestry Foundation.

Our organization relies on donations from supporters like you to ensure that our beautiful Maine wilderness remains accessible to everyone. Please consider making a donation to help make the Community Forest a reality.


Access to the outdoors is more critical than ever.

This year, communities across Maine turned to the wilderness in our own backyards for exercise, entertainment, and relaxation. Spending time outdoors—whether by hiking, hunting, biking, or snowshoeing—is an important part of Maine’s heritage and a driver of our Downeast economy. With a greater demand for outdoor recreation comes the need to protect land for public use.

Free and open to the public, the Frenchman Bay Community Forest will provide opportunities for walking, hiking, biking, and snowshoeing through a future network of trails. Previously gated from the public, sections of the community forest will now permit hunting.

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Protecting critical wildlife habitat

Deer wintering areas, land designated as critical wildlife habitat, and open space for species of concern make the Community Forest a special place to protect and view wildlife.

The FBCF is part of a nearly 25,000 acre undeveloped habitat block, likely the largest remaining undeveloped habitat block in Hancock County under one mile to the coast. By protecting Frenchman Bay Community Forest, FBC will conserve land for Maine wildlife and outdoor recreation. This land is adjacent to the Taunton Bay Beginning With Habitat focus area, and the Frenchman Bay Community Forest will protect the clean water in Kilkenny and Egypt Streams which flow into Kilkenny Cove and Egypt Bay.

Learn more about the Beginning with Habitat program.

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A living classroom

The Community Forest will be a living outdoor classroom where groups can gather outdoors to learn about Maine’s unique natural resources, ecosystems, and native species.

Frenchman Bay Conservancy is dedicated to finding more ways for our community to be in nature more often. Our outdoor education, citizen science, and community engagement programs—such as guided hikes and scavenger hunts—will all extend to the Frenchman Bay Community forest.

Learn more about outdoor education with Frenchman Bay Conservancy and programming for kids & families.

FBC Executive Director Aaron Dority and Land Protection Manager Kat Deely presented a webinar on the Frenchman Bay Community Forest on Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 3:00 pm on Zoom.


Frenchman Bay Community Forest in the News

Statement in Response to the Ellsworth American

The Ellsworth American


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