We have conserved over 18,000 acres of forests, wetlands, rivers, and shorelines.
Together we can protect and care for vulnerable ecosystems that are critical to preserving clean water, clean air, wildlife, fisheries, and traditional livelihoods that are a backbone to our region’s economy.
Our land protection priorities include:
Protecting undeveloped shorelines along Frenchman Bay and preserving access to the marine shore for local harvesters who depend on it for their livelihoods;
Conserving large, undeveloped landscapes along wild stretches of the Upper Union River and its major tributaries;
Connecting public green spaces in the Lower Union River watershed;
Increasing connected lands within the Schoodic Wildlife Corridor so that wildlife can move and migrate freely, creating a buffer bfor the Schoodic district of Acadia National Park.
Interested in conserving your land or supporting FBC’s efforts to protect the land you love?
Click here for more information
Jordan River Preserve
FBC closed on the future Jordan River Preserve in September 2023. The shoreline property was previously used as a golf course, and will be restored to provide wildlife habitat and protect the water quality of the Jordan River, a tributary to Frenchman Bay.
The future preserve will feature walking trails and mudflat access for harvesters, providing both recreational and economic opportunities for the local community. This preserve, and its restoration, are made possible by member support. Thank you!