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Land for Maine’s Future Celebrates 30 Years!

Land for Maine’s Future is Celebrating 30 years! In a recent feature on WCSH Channel 6’s TV show, 207, Tim Glidden, former LMF director and current executive director of the Maine Coast Heritage Trust said, “Maine would probably not have some of the defining elements of its landscape available for the public [without the LMF… Read more

Protecting the Land You Love an evening presentation on Thursday, July 13, 2017 presented by Aaron Dority, Executive Director, Frenchman Bay Conservancy at Schoodic Institute. Learn about Frenchman Bay Conservancy’s preserves and trails in the region, places where visitors can access inland woods, ponds and rivers, as well as coastal access preserves. Dority will also… Read more

Trail Improvements Planned at Mariaville Falls Preserve

Through a grant award from Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund, Frenchman Bay Conservancy will hire a Maine Conservation Corps to work for three weeks to improve trails at Mariaville Falls Preserve starting June 19! Read additional details in this June 1, 2017 Ellsworth American article. Read more

FBC Offers Spring Hike Series

Frenchman Bay Conservancy will be hosting a Spring Hike Series in coordination with the Downeast Senior College starting May 13. There will be 4 hikes in the series and they will take place on trails in Hancock, Lamoine, and Ellsworth.  All hikes will be easy to moderate difficulty to accommodate a wide range of ability… Read more

Spring Hike Series Starts May 13

Frenchman Bay Conservancy and Ellsworth-based Downeast Senior College are teaming up to provide a series of four hikes this spring! All of the hikes are free and open to the public and will be held at trails in Ellsworth, Lamoine and Hancock.  Find our more here! Read more

Conservancy Receives $100,000 to Conserve Land on Taunton Bay

Hancock – Frenchman Bay Conservancy (FBC) has received a $100,000 grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant to permanently protect 167 acres along Taunton Bay.  These acres are within the Taunton Bay Beginning with Habitat Focus Area, one of the most significant tidal wading bird and waterfowl… Read more

FBC Participated in Great Maine Outdoor Weekend

While there was not enough snow for skiing or snowshoeing, FBC held hikes at the Sunrise Trail and Simon Trail to celebrate Great Maine Outdoor Weekend. Nearly 30 people joined us on Saturday, February 4 to hike a portion of the Down East Sunrise Trail and enjoy a bonfire and refreshments. This event was co-sponsored… Read more

Thank you to all who took the time to take our Strategic Planning Survey! We will use your feedback to help us develop our new long-range plan. Stay tuned for more information! Read more