Land Protection Priority: Lower Union River Watershed

Goal: Conserve and connect community green spaces within Ellsworth and the Lower Union River watershed.

The lower Union River watershed, which includes the City of Ellsworth, is a rapidly developing region. As the City grows, FBC has the opportunity to establish trails that connect residents and visitors to current and future green spaces, expanding opportunities for all to get outdoors and contributing to the qualities that make Ellsworth a desirable city to live, work, and play.


FBC’s community-based conservation in Ellsworth is made possible by a strong network of partners. FBC worked with other community leaders to develop the Ellsworth Green Plan, which now acts as road map for the city to become a model green community. Example community projects include opening an accessible Riverwalk Trail in downtown Ellsworth and establishing an Urban Tree Farm to help re-green city streets.

Continued land conservation in the watershed will:

  • Establish connected greenways to increase walkability and access to nature in Ellsworth;
  • Restore urban tree canopy cover and re-green city streets; and
  • Promote public access to the Union River.

FBC Conserved Lands

Since 1987, FBC has conserved over 10,000 acres of land. Our land protection efforts focus on areas that are essential to maintaining the ecological, social, and economic health of our region, from the Union River and Frenchman Bay watersheds east to the Hancock County line.

Land trusts help local harvesters by protecting our watersheds and preserving public access. Harvesters aren’t looking for more access, but we need help protecting what we currently have.

- Joe Porada, Frenchman Bay Regional Shellfish Commission

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People are our greatest strength. FBC’s passionate staff, board members, and volunteers are working behind the scenes to develop and implement effective land protection, stewardship, and community engagement projects. Your support makes it possible for us to do our work, and we encourage you to reach out and say hello!

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