Old Pond Railway Trail & Kilkenny Cove

Hancock, Maine
GPS coordinates: 44.5319898, -68.2843533

The Kilkenny Cove Preserve and Old Pond Railway Trail is a collaboration of Crabtree Neck Land Trust, Maine Coast Heritage Trust and FBC.

A flat trail follows a former railway across the saltwater bay called Old Pond. During the spring and fall, migrating songbirds and shorebirds are abundant. Be prepared for wet conditions and bog bridging near the short incline at the Kilkenny Cove trailhead.

Trail Description

The 7.5 acres of Kilkenny Cove Preserve connects the western end of the the Old Pond Railway Trail with Old Route One.  The trail has parking and access from either the east (across from Hancock Town Hall) or west (on Old Route 1).  Both include parking lots for 4 cars.  The trail is marked with blue and is 3.25 miles in one direction.  This is an excellent birding walk.


The eastern access is on Point Road in Hancock (1 miles south from the Hancock side of the bridge) across the road diagonally from the Hancock Town Hall. The western access is on Old Route One. From the north, drive 0.5 mile past the Hancock Grocery and turn left onto Old Route One just before Merchant Auto, drive 1.3 miles to the parking and access on the left.  From the south, turn right on Old Route One 0.8 mile after Viking Lumber and drive 0.3 mile to the parking area on your right.