With Spring Comes Migrating Birds to FBC Properties

Blue-headed Vireo at Baker Hill Preserve. Photo: Jeff DiBella.
In Maine, wildlife is almost ready to wake up from a long winter’s nap. Other critters will begin flocking north as the leaves emerge and flowers bloom. Birds are one of the key indicators that tell our eyes and ears: it’s spring again!
We’re happy to conserve habitat for “Woody”—the summer spruce grouse at Frances B. Wood Preserve—and the other birds that make Downeast Maine one of the best spring and summer birding spots!
Hear Bob Duchesne’s story of meeting Woody in the Bangor Daily News.
Our Top 5 Birding Preserves
- Tidal Falls Preserve. Tidal Falls is a birding hotspot—sea ducks, nesting kingfishers and eagles, and osprey are regularly seen during the spring and summer.
- Old Pond Railway Trail & Kilkenny Cove Preserve. The forested trail from the town of Hancock is a prime location to see warblers. During shorebird migration, yellowlegs and sandpipers probe the expansive mudflats.
- Frances B Wood Preserve. “Woody,” the summer male spruce grouse protecting his territory is not the only attraction here. Warblers, flycatchers, and other birds breed in the wet upland forest.
- Corea Heath Preserve. Another phenomenal place to find warblers, flycatchers, ducks, and osprey. Be prepared for a wet trail in spots! (If you’re interested in helping us add more bog bridging here, learn more about volunteering!)
- Schoodic Bog Preserve. In the spring and summer the bog is home to red-winged blackbirds and supports many other migrating bird species, such as woodcock.